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How do I invest with 8AM?

Via regulated financial advisers only. If you are an adviser why not book a call with our Head of Distribution, Paul Hogg, Alternatively, get in touch with the team here.

What are your fees and how do you charge them?

We charge an ongoing management fee of 0.15% – no transactional, incidental, entry or exit fees!

What platforms are your services available on?

Our model portfolios can be found on the majority of the UK’s leading investment platforms, including Quilter, AJ Bell, Aviva, Nucleus, James Hay Partnership, Standard Life, Transact and Novia.

Tactical asset allocation can add a huge amount of value; why don’t you use active allocation to attempt to outperform?

Our investment process is driven by a simple mantra: “If we can consistently add value in a clear and measurable way, we do it”. We use a simple, floating asset allocation model based on market neutrality with a measured slant towards top performers. Qualitative tactical asset allocation is an effective but inconsistent way to produce outperformance. Therefore, we focus on robust, evidence-based fund selection that produces outperformance in over c.70% of rolling 12-month periods.

Surely the markets are unpredictable. If everyone could predict the rhythms, then surely they would cease to function?

Our fund selection methodology is borne of creating a repeatable, robust process around clear patterns and momentum in Fund Manager Performance. We cannot predict the markets, but the herd response to market events is clear.

Imagine sheep spread evenly across two fields with a single gate linking the two. Nobody can predict exactly when the weather might force the sheep to move from one field to another to shelter, but we know how wide the gate is, how many sheep can fit over time, and we have reports about the rain! This is very much like the investor response to a changing market narrative. Our “gate” is the standard speed of news, dealing and execution vectors and weather reports are the macro market cycle and global economic conditions.

Surely you need a huge team to offer a service like this?

Not necessarily. To scale the way we do, we embrace technology and have hand-picked a team with a huge amount of passion. The 8AM team was assembled based on individual areas of expertise and experience from adviser firms, platforms and risk profilers. We are adviser-led in everything we do, with all aspects of the service being designed to add value. We are a high-functioning, high-value business.

How often do you optimise your portfolios?

We review, optimise and report on our portfolios every two months, or we are reactive to market events as required. As such, you can be assured that our portfolios are always appropriately positioned in funds and allocations based on evidence.

What are your model ranges?

We have two primary model ranges: AQ MPS, AQ Sustainable MPS and also offer a variety of 8AM MPS Partnership options. You can find out more here.